Wednesday, December 29, 2021

For the Ricardos - A Whale Tail

Pandemic shenanigans


Credit to Redditor Jmods_wont_reply

For Bozos

Sinners and Saints

Once a journalist...

Grateful, but not quite dead

Illusion machines

All time blog traffic


All time blog traffic


Six months blog traffic showing sudden loss after break with award-winning Malaysian client company. Any mooks out there might want to check my LinkedIn.


Six months blog traffic:  I never paid attention to where my traffic was coming from until it suddenly disappeared. Apparently someone with a lot of power has a problem with me speaking up for creativity, the little guy, air quality and orangutans, my love for Paul Newman's work with children notwithstanding.


Three months blog traffic: dropped suddenly on October 9, a day after sending an email to the client explaining why it was necessary to terminate the relationship. Sharing this information publicly will not violate the terms of our contract, FWIW, and may better the world. Using Buddhism to ply people into working harder is mind control, not spirituality. The same goes for Christianity. It puts undue pressure on family caregivers, as well as the workers themselves. I stand against human rights violations in the workplace.


Three months blog traffic showing disappearance of Indonesia. For what its worth, there are other ways for people in Indonesia to hear the truth. I am just one of many messengers. I learned that Southeast Asia and Africa have the highest number of unpaid female caregivers per capita. I am an unpaid caregiver, and I blog about the mental health challenges of living in a world where caregivers are subservient to systems which do not recognize their important contributions. The World Health Organization has recognized this inequity in these countries, and it is clear to me that the Rolex-wearing Country Club dining powers that be care very little for their wives, mothers and grandmothers, and that there are power-hungry women who are complicit in this system of inequity in many places. COVID has only served to further marginalize unpaid caregivers.

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